In-year admissions

We will be facilitate in-year admissions ourselves.

An In-year admission is when you need to make an application to a school outside of the normal admissions round and at a time when a child should already be attending school.

An application for In-year admission is usually made if you have recently moved, arrived from another country or if you wish to transfer to us from another school part way through the academic year.

Parents should be mindful that spaces may be limited. 

Please click here to be directed to the application form which should be returned to the school office.

Applications will be assessed against our admissions criteria which can be found here.

In addition to the admissions criteria against which all applications are assessed, considerations may be given to either the severity of any behavioural concerns and / or whether the school has the capacity / resources to accept applications at this time.

Should you wish to appeal against a descision not to give a place to your child please see our appeals section for information.